As a teenager one of our youth ministries favorite songs was titled "Fill my Cup." The girls sang and the guys provided as low a bass as we could. Part of it went like this:
Fill my cup let it overflow (girls)
O, fill my cup (guys)
Fill my cup let it overflow
O, fill my cup
Fill my cup let it overflow
Let it overflow with love.
Then it would go into Amazing Grace in the same rhythm.
As I was reading in 2 Samuel this morning before heading to the natatorium I thought about that song. In chapters 5 & 6, David is establishing his kingdom in Jerusalem, defeating the Philistines and bringing the Ark of the Covenant into the city. Along the way he and all Israel are celebrating. They're so filled up with God that "David danced with all his might before the Lord."
We were filled up with God coming back from Haiti in 1979. David was filled up with God and his life was consumed with joy.
It's easy to know what someone's life is filled with. Pay attention to what they talk about. David could do nothing other than abandon himself to the Lord through dance and in sacrifice.
Pastors have a saying: we teach out of the overflow of our personal devotional life. David overflowed with God. God's desire is to overflow through each of us.
Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of
living water will flow from within them.” - John 7:38
From the most inner depths of our being, God renews us, lives and breathes in us and nothing can stop His life from flowing out from us. In our words, our actions, our attitude, our life.
I have been filled this summer in more ways than I can name. Here are five:
1. Thankfulness - being able to look at life without the fog of busyness has enabled me, I believe, to understand in greater depth just how blessed I am
2. Appreciation - I'm all about the goal, the end, the task. I've been filled this summer with a greater appreciation for the journey, taking time, not hurrying through
3. Eyesight - I am seeing with different eyes.....just how deceptive the heart is (Jeremiah 17:9); the big picture vision more clearly as it has emerged from the fogginess of every day; where I need to change (just read previous blog posts for those ideas!); how I need to lead differently.......and much more
4. Growth - I've done some hard work through reading, prayer, study and coaching. I see the vision of a different person and in a few weeks I get the challenge of living it out
5. A Plan - this Sabbatical has taught me through experience how important self-care is to being a growing disciple, an effective leader not to mention husband and father and friend. I'm working on a plan titled: "A Rhythm for the Next 25 Years." I know I've got to plan for being filled up.
I'm filled to overflowing with love for the Lord, gratefulness for my family, passion to get back "on the ground" with Cornerstone and hopefulness for the future.
One of the songs we have sung at Cornerstone is almost an updated version of "Fill My Cup" called "Overflow"
I have been filled this summer in more ways than I can name. Here are five:
1. Thankfulness - being able to look at life without the fog of busyness has enabled me, I believe, to understand in greater depth just how blessed I am
2. Appreciation - I'm all about the goal, the end, the task. I've been filled this summer with a greater appreciation for the journey, taking time, not hurrying through
3. Eyesight - I am seeing with different eyes.....just how deceptive the heart is (Jeremiah 17:9); the big picture vision more clearly as it has emerged from the fogginess of every day; where I need to change (just read previous blog posts for those ideas!); how I need to lead differently.......and much more
4. Growth - I've done some hard work through reading, prayer, study and coaching. I see the vision of a different person and in a few weeks I get the challenge of living it out
5. A Plan - this Sabbatical has taught me through experience how important self-care is to being a growing disciple, an effective leader not to mention husband and father and friend. I'm working on a plan titled: "A Rhythm for the Next 25 Years." I know I've got to plan for being filled up.
I'm filled to overflowing with love for the Lord, gratefulness for my family, passion to get back "on the ground" with Cornerstone and hopefulness for the future.
One of the songs we have sung at Cornerstone is almost an updated version of "Fill My Cup" called "Overflow"
Fill me up so I can be poured out. Fill me up 'til I overflow with You And overflow in me Jesus Overflow in me Pour Your Spirit out Jesus And overflow in meFill me up so I can be poured out
Our hearts will demonstrate to the world what it is that fills us. May we overflow with Him.
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