Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Just by chance?

Do things happen by chance or does God orchestrate everything in our lives? Or is there a something inbetween?

I've had a pet peeve for a while about a phrase flipped around by Christ-followers and non alike: "Everything happens for a reason." I say absolutely not. Shooting in Aurora, Colorado or in Wisconsin don't happen for a reason. They are evil, plain and simple. People aren't saved in those cases because God blessed them more than those who died. It's just pure evil without a shred of reason to it.

I do believe that God will use everything that happens in our lives, some of which He orchestrates and if we cooperate by staying in His will, we can with confidence say it didn't happen by chance. John didn't get a swimming ticket because God orchestrated things. We thanked Him for it but in the big scheme of things I'm not sure God really cared. However, I was able to use it to bless John and in turn I received a great blessing and my experience and understanding of God was enlarged. We used it and more importantly He used it.

My approach to meeting people and being in places to learn has been this: pay attention; don't make more out of some meeting but don't miss an opportunity to take it further.

While eating dinner last night in an Italian restaurant, a group of young men sang a traditional blessing. After our meal I walked to their table, learned it was a "last meal" outing for one of them getting married. I thanked them for their blessing song, said it blessed us and the one on the end said, "God bless you." "And you as well," I answered back. A chance meeting but a blessing. I could have walked away and made no connection. I chose something else and something bigger happened.

I was thrilled to stumble upon All Souls Church tonight as we walked around London and ate a small meal in Soho. All Souls is the place where the renowned theologian John R.W. Stott preached for decades. It is another place where an evangelistic fervor leads to a contagious faith, the people using their lives for the opportunity to share their story of faith.

Later on the way to High Leigh (where we are staying) I met a young man from Estonia. Striking up a conversation - which was by choice - I learned he is heading to Asbury Seminary in just a few weeks. I gave him my contact info and assured him I'd like to touch base when I'm down in Wilmore every couple of months. A chance meeting? Probably not, but I had to introduce myself and have an eye for things outside of myself. We can ruin God's plans, I think....I'm too tired....I'm not interested....I'm selfish.....I don't care.

Then I met Daniel from Romania where he serves as the Athletes in Action (AIA) national coordinator. He pursued me, found out more about me and ministry, and said - "I don't believe this happened by chance."

So there you go. Maybe it blows my theory out of the water. Maybe some things just happen and God can make something out of them if we'll pay attention. Maybe God does orchestrate every moment of everyday - something I really can't agree to because it flies in the face of free will. Fatal determinism just isn't compatible with free will.

I'll continue to pay attention. I'll continue to strike up conversations, taking opportunities that might open up other opportunities for God to be glorified. What about you?

1 comment:

  1. It can't possibly be chance ... four situations in just as many days. It is all in the hands of God. thanks for sharing, bc
