Sunday, July 29, 2012


"First" we hear about it a lot around Olympic time. One person gets first. That's it. Everything is about winning in London. Everyone wants to have an Olympics like 15-year old Lithuanian swimmer Ruta Meilutyte who went 7 seconds faster than her best time - at just the right time.

John and I are at Brian & Kathryn's place for the night and their first dinner hosted for family. We had a great time and a good meal in their cute little apartment - that I remind them is nearly double the size of our first place!

We're about to take a first overseas trip as a family and we're very excited. Obvioulsy it's a first for a Sabbatical.

“So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

First wasn't as important to Jesus. Life for Jesus wasn't about having the most (The Rich Young Ruler) or being the most recognized (servant versus ruler). Life is found in giving, in generosity, in serving and not worrying about who gets the credit. Those who try to be first will ultimately lose in the end. Even the heart of the Olympics gets this:

The goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practiced without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.”  - Olympic Charter
I'm certainly not about "visualizing world peace" in hopes that it will actually do something. I do like the words of "friendship, solidatiry and fair play." Nothing about first there. It's the humbleness of a Brendan Hansen (bronze in 100 breaststroke) acknowledging his parents and the lessons they taught him about being grateful in life.
"When one has nothing, God becomes everything."
The Christ-follower who views life as a competition against other local churches, other individuals, seeking to be "first" is losing. It's the Mother Theresa's and Mama Maggie's of the world who are the most respected and revered because they are servants - first of God and then of His people.

To be first means seeking the lowest and the least position instead of recognition. Those who are recognized greatly in this life have received all the recognition they will receive. (Matthew 6) Billy Graham is recognized but he doesn't seek the recognition. Others who claim to be Christ-followers can't say the same.

What's the answer? Just serve. Do something today that nobody knows about and you won't tell about. Do something extravagantly generous, anonymously. Show up to church early on Sunday and pray as you walk around the property inside and out. Pick up any trash in the parking lot. Pull weeds. Sweep the steps (bring your own broom). Offer to help those who are there early every week. Don't concern yourself with being recognized for what you do. You and God know. That's all that matters. If you are about to complain about something, stop and fix it yourself. Just serve.


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