Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Wonder of it All

London it is! The girls are asleep on the train to Edinburgh, John is thinking about it and, well, I'm blogging. A few moments ago we could see flat wheat fields surrounded by distant  rolling hills and I said: "Ah, the English countryside." John's tired reply: "It looks like Ohio."

There is such great wonder all around us yet it's so easy to miss - been there done that kind of approach to life. But I was shocked back into a life of wonder through the eyes of two young boys on the flight to New York. First time on a plane for the boys as they prepared to travel to Ireland. They were speculating about what the plane ride would be like: "We'll go up and then we'll go down. It'll be like a roller coaster." And I said to Stephanie: "O, Lord, I hope not!"

Backyard pools and golf courses, baseball fields and highways were all pointed out as we rose into the sky. 2 hours later as we were landing in New York they stared at the "enormous" buildings that make up the Manhattan skyline. They were full of questions for their dad as they tried their best to spy THE plane they'd be taking to Ireland. They were so excited.

Jesus said that unless we become like little children we cannot enter into the Kingdom of heaven. I was reminded today to not lose that child-like amazement at the wonder that surrounds me even if I've "been there done that."

A child's approach to life is carefree and full of energy; playful and curious; sometimes saying things that they want you to believe they know more about than they really do.

What excites me about life, ok, just about this journey on this specific day? Am I approaching life like a child, asking my Heavenly Father all sorts of questions, speculating on what might be next in anticipation of something great?

What about my approach to following Jesus? Do I trust Him so much that I can let go of all care for the things of this world and simply enjoy the journey and anticipate the next leg that He has already planned out? The tickets are booked, the plans are made, the journey is ready. Let me approach it with the child-like wonder of these boys.

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