Monday, July 9, 2012

God's Math

Math is definitely not my strong suit. I never took calculus. I probably couldn't remember algebra if I needed to. It seems that ever since they put letters in with the numbers it just messed with my head!

But there is a math that I understand well. God's math. Biblical math. It goes like this:

Subtraction comes before multiplication

In the economy of God's Kingdom we must subtract before we can look for multiplication. It's a strange thing in the face of our early economy. In God's Kingdom gain comes from giving.

Proverbs 11:25 "A generous person will prosper;
whoever refreshes others 
will be refreshed."

Subtracting holding grudges in exchange for a heart that lives forgiveness, leads to the multiplication of God's blessings in our lives. Letting go of trying to earn God's approval and instead accepting His grace brings new life. Just as the leaves of the trees fall away, so our own cycle of growth requires subtraction in order to make room for God's multiplication.

In The Next Level, Scott Eblin centers his thoughts on the growth of a leader around 9 things to pick up and 9 corresponding things to give up. A leader can't grow without subtracting some things from what he or she has been doing.

Here are Eblin's 9 things:

1 - Pick up Confidence in Your Presence - Give up Doubt in How You Contribute

2 - Pick up Regular Renewal of Your Energy and Perspective - Give Up Running Flat out Until You Crash

3 - Pick up Custom-fit Communications - Give up One-Size-Fits-All Communications

4 - Pick up Team Reliance - Give up Self-Reliance

5 - Pick up Defining What To Do - Give up Telling How to Do It

6 - Pick up Accountability for Many Results - Give up Responsibility for a Few Results

7 - Pick up Looking Left & Right as You Lead - Give up Looking Primarily Up & Down as You Lead

8 - Pick up An Outside-In View of the Entire Organization - Give up an Inside-Out View of Your Function

9 - Pick up a Big-Footprint View of Your Role - Give up a Small-Footprint View of Your Role

I have seen myself in each more than once, to the point it feels like he's been looking at my life. He's writing to me. It's both comforting (I'm not alone) and challenging.

My guess is you already know some things that are holding you back. What do you need to subtract in order to multiply God's presence in your life? What are the things you need to leave behind?

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