Saturday, July 7, 2012

Regular Renewal for Growth - Mental

Knowing your strengths is a good thing. Knowing your weaknesses in contrast might be even better. As "they" say, spend your time shoring up your weaknesses and you'll settle for mediocrity in life. In Now, Discover Your Strengths, Marcus Buckingham makes just this case. 

Understanding your strengths can help you be a better leader, manager and better focus your renewal activities. Here are my 5 strengths according to Buckingham's tool:

Maximizer, Responsibility, Learner, Arranger & Belief

I'm continuing to work my way through The Next Level and I found this quote personally insightful because I share his learner strength:
For instance, because one of my core characteristics is learning, I regularly look for new things to incorporate into my physical routines. It can be a new workout approach, a new recreational activity, a new item on the menu, or a new travel destination. I look for activities and experiences that satisfy my need to learn new things. (p. 52)
Mental renewal is a key part of any regular routine. For me it's probably a higher priority because of this learner strength. I have thought for years that I could spend my life in the classroom - both teaching and learning - with some application so I can learn what I didn't realize I didn't know. I love to learn. I remember stupid trivia. My brain locks away facts and figures, even if I don't understand their implications or connections!

I have discovered during the first half of this Sabbatical how much I have missed learning through reading. Reading got pushed out by life. I'm no longer into attending Conferences just so I can have the notebook on the shelf. Of greater interest after 25 years of ministry is practical knowledge for growing as a Christ-follower and leader. But I also have a passion for expanding my knowledge into subjects I know little to nothing about. I don't order the same thing at a restaurant. I've eaten octopus, alligator and brussel sprouts, but did pass on the brain tacos in Mexico!

I like to drive a different route on occasion. I enjoy mixing up a worship order instead of doing something more predictable. I like trying new things. I like stretching the envelope. It's one reason I love Cornerstone so much. It's a church that gives us leeway to try new things in order to disover some things about the God we worship.

I feed my learner strength in a variety of ways, two of which are:

  • Reading across disciplines - I love to learn about what for me are unfamiliar areas like the ocean, astronomy, mountain climbing, the Revolutionary War era
  • Trying new exercise routines - for instance, I've programmed into this Sabbatical grant funds for a personal trainer for 3 months starting in September, something I've never done before
Where do you need to renew yourself mentally? Perhaps you recognize this learner strength.  It's just one example of a way for renewal. You could be like my lovely wife who doesn't have this learner strength. She'll order the same thing every time, even if it's no longer on the menu she'll ask them to make it.  (Try going to Schimdt's in Columbus and ordering a "K.")

Ultimately I don't trust in my Gallup StrengthsFinder results, although they are helpful. My trust is in the Lord and in His strength:

Ephesians 6:10 "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power."

His presence in my life (and yours) is the one strength we pay attention to first because in fact when we are weak then HE is strong.

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